Sunday, June 1, 2008


So we are sort of back among the living. Well, sort of...

We made it to Texas and I have to admit, I'm not that impressed. Ok, so I know I'm going to offend some people. It seems that everyone from Texas LOVES Texas. I don't get it! All I can say for now is it is brown. Yes, everything is bigger and Texas, but here is what they don't tell you. It's only bigger because someone took a rolling pin and flattened the hell out of it.

Things I just realized I miss: Mountains, trees, green, grass, and shade.

Maybe I'll feel better once I see an armadillo.

I was looking at everyone's blogs and realize that I desperately need to update mine, but our computers are with everything else - - on a boat somewhere between Japan and the US. Hang with me. For now we are still in our home sweet hotel room. Hopefully we'll have housing soon. Then again, I could get use to the pool and maid service.


Erin said...

Can't wait to see updates and pictures of the kids. Tailor wants to drive down to Texas and see you all. I might be a while before we can do that though. Hope all is going well!!

Gramma Spot10 said...

Hey, glad you made it. Sorry it's so hot, dry and flat, but you could be looking at 26 degrees and snow. Welcome to Bear Lake in June. Can't wait to see pictures of everyone and hope to get down to see you sometime. Love you.