Sunday, January 3, 2010

ReDeployment, Christmas, and We're Three!!!

(Coop somewhere in Iraq)

Finally, I can talk about it - or rather blog about it. Not that I really couldn't before, it was more that I wasn't sure it was a good idea to announce we were home alone for a year because Dad was in Iraq. But all that is in the past now. He's home! Praises, hallelujah, 10 fingers, 10 toes (although I joke and tell him he'd be worth more if he came back with only 9), no major scars, etc, etc. He's home!

I was notified that he was coming home with the advance party and we decided not to tell the kids. Why? Well, the Army has a funny way of changing our plans and we also thought it would be pretty fun to surprise them.

The day he arrived I got the kids up at 0'dark thirty (or around 05:00). The boys weren't too thrilled about getting out of bed that early. Maren didn't fight me. I told her the night before we had an early appointment and I needed her help with the boys. Anyway, we drove to the parade field and waited....and waited...AND waited. We got there around 06:00. Finally around 6:40 we saw the convoy of flashing lights and buses. By this time Maren had figured it out. I asked her how she knew. She told me, "Well, when he left it was dark too and you're wearing makeup." What a smartypants. I asked the boys who was on the bus. Zach, serious as could be said, "Santa Clause?" I said, "No. Daddy is on the bus." Adam argued, "No. Daddy's workin in 'raq." I said, "No. Daddy's coming home." At this point I was in tears and the soldiers were in a HUGE formation on the field. Like all the other wives, I was freezing and desperately trying to search out my soldier. When the command of "CHARGE!" was given he made a bee-line right for us. Whew!

So glad to have him home!!!

We had an awesome Christmas, but the only thing that really mattered was that daddy was home. I got exactly what I wanted!!! And the kids did too - spoiled.

Maren got a pogo-stick (she's actually pretty good on it) and a Karaoke machine for her bedroom.

The boys wanted DSes. Santa said no, but did get them Leapsters. They call them "my DS" and have almost gotten the hang of it. And of course they got cars. More and more cars for me to trip over. Have you ever stepped on a matchbox car barefoot? It hurts!

It was the best Christmas ever. The only thing that could have made it just a little bit better would be to have family closer. I guess that's just one part of being a Military Family I will never quite get use to. There is always next year....


We must be getting too old to really care much about ringing in the new year. Coop and I are generally asleep by 11:00. In fact, I cannot think of a single New Year's Eve that he and I have "partied". We're not much of the partying type I suppose.

New Year's Day really doesn't have any special significance at our house for being resolution season. New Year's Day isn't really anything at our house because January 1st in Adam and Zach's Birthday. Hard to believe my handsome two-some are three-years-old.

I just love these little guys. They keep me laughing and keep my busy. But why I do fear 2010 going to be a year of mischief and mayhem at the Cooper home?


Erin said...

I am glad your Christmas was better than expected...I bet it was good having all of you together on Christmas.
Happy Birthday to Adam and Zach!!!

Gramma Spot10 said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY ADAM & ZACH! We love you and wish you were closer, too. So glad Cooper made it home for Christmas. It can't be any better than having everyone all together.

Knight Family said...

What a way to finish 2009 and to start 2010! So good that Cooper is home safe and sound. Happy late Birthday Adam & Zach! Crazy how fast they grow!